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Important Information

The Gemini Observatory
Mauna Kea, Hawaii

The Frederick C. Gillett Gemini North Telescope
is located on Hawaii's Mauna Kea as part of the international community of observatories that have been built to take advantage of the superb atmospheric conditions on this long dormant volcano that rises almost 14,000' into the dry, stable air of the Pacific. The Gemini Observatory's international head-quarters is located in Hilo, Hawaii at the University of Hawaii 
at Hilo's University Park.

Both of the Gemini telescopes (the other
one is in Chile) have been designed to take advantage of the latest technology and
thermal controls to excel in a wide variety
of optical & infrared capabilities.

Gemini's aggressive instrument program
keeps the observatory at the cutting edge
of astronomical research. By incorporating technologies such as laser guide stars, Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics and multi-object spectroscopy, astronomers in the Gemini partnership have access to the latest tools
for exploring the universe

Click here for Amateur Astronomy Magazine's article on "A Visit to Gemini and Subaru Observatories"


The Gemini Staff can accommodate a maximum of 10 persons on the tour. Reservations for the tour will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. 

1. You must register for the Gemini Tour and pay the fees to reserve your space on the "Insider's Telescope Tour"

You must download, fill out, and return the Gemini visitor's form BEFORE you arrive on the Big Island.  Follow the steps below carefully:

CLICK HERE to download the form.
Write "Alt Az" on the signature page of release form

MAIL the form to the address on the first page, C/O Richard Valcourt in time for it to arrive before you do! 
(Ignore the instructions to give it to your tour guide.)You can also email an electonic copy of page 5* to Richard Valcourt at and bring the rest of the hardcopy with you to the tour.

3. You will need to bring a warm (down or comparable) jacket, and a warm cap and gloves. (No surprise to an astronomer!)

4. The share of expenses for the Gemini "insider's" tour is $75 and  includes:

●  Transportation (a reserved seat on the van)
    departing from Hilo (Uncle Billy's Hilo Bay Hotel),
    gas, and misc. expenses.
●  Dinner at Hale Pohaku

Tour is limited to 10 persons so sign up now!

*  If you downloaded a version before 2/4/10, you should send page 6 to Richard.

Additional Requirements

The summit of Mauna Kea is just short of 14,000 feet. It is spectacularly beautiful but it is cold and the air is very thin. Touring the telescope under these conditions can be very strenuous. One in twenty visitors succumb to altitude sickness. There are several important safety and health items to consider:

1. You must be in good health, with no heart or breathing problems.

2. You must be at least 16 years old.

3. You must fill out, sign, and return the Gemini Observatory Visitors Form TO GEMINI HEADQUARTERS This form must be received by Gemini staff in advance or you will not be permitted to tour the telescope.

       (See above for information on the required form)


Big Island Travel and Hotel Information

Reservation and Cost

The "Insiders" tour of the Gemini Observatory
and the Fredrick C. Gillett Gemini North Telescope
will begin at the Gemini Observatory Headquarters in Hilo.

                        Tour Schedule
                Wednesday February 10

 9:00 am
Depart from Uncle Billy's Hilo Bay Hotel
 9:30 pm
- arrive at Gemini Headquarters - visit
               observatory remote control room.


10:30 pm - Leave Gemini Headquarters for Mauna
               Kea Observatories

11:30 pm - Stop for lunch at the Hale Pohaku Astronomers hotel & restaurant 
               at the 9000 ft. level. This is a necessary
               stop for altitude adjustment.

  Dan Gray, Chris Carter, Russ and Cheryl Genet have lunch at
     Hale Pohaku during their 2008 tour. Clouds meet mountain
                          (Mauna Loa) in the background.

1:00 pm - Depart for the Summit


2:00 pm- Insider's Tour of the Gemini
                Observatory and Telescope - from
                bottom to top!

   Cheryl & Russ Genet & Chris Carter under Gillett Telescope     
4: 00 pm
- Leave the summit and return to
                Visitors Information Station at 9000 ft

6:00 pm
-  Arrive back at Uncle Billy's Hilo Bay Hotel

    To reserve your Gemini Observatory Tour, pay by 
    PayPal below or send a check or MO (USD) made out to
    Galileo's Legacy to:

Hawaii International Conference 2010
C/O Dannielle Tassell
400 N. Laredo Ln.
Payson, AZ 85541

   Gemini "insiders" Tour including telescope tour
$75 per person (includes transportation and lunch)

(You can change the number of persons on the PayPal screen if you are reserving for more than one) 

  To "check out" simply stay on the PayPal tab (webpage) after last purchase.  Use browser back button to return to the Conference Website

The Gemini North Telescope dwarfs
participants on last year's tour

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